20 Aug Supporting Families Getting Ready to Go Back to School
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Family Promise Montco community for ensuring that the children in our housing programs are well-equipped for the school year....
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Family Promise Montco community for ensuring that the children in our housing programs are well-equipped for the school year....
In the recent Supreme Court decision of Grants Pass v. Johnson, Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote the opinion that cities may use anti-camping ordinances against unhoused individuals without violating the Constitution. ...
Kevin Gao, a junior at Wissahickon High School (WHS), took action to combat hunger in his local community....
Get your Google Career Certificate! You can prepare for entry-level positions in data analytics, project management, user experience design, and IT support—with no college degree or relevant experience required...
We're still offering the chance for you to get a Google Career Certificate scholarship!...
We continue to offer Grow With Google certifications in IT support—professional level IT training—to our residents and to the community at large. Here's why you might be interested! ...
There is no easy solution for family homelessness, but we believe that educating the greater community is an excellent start...
There is no easy solution for family homelessness, but we believe that educating the greater community is an excellent start. Look for information on the problems, solutions, and debates in this new newsletter section and on social media. Share with your friends and family and...
Thank you to everyone who helped make March’s Financial Fitness education program such a success! Everyone learned so much from our friends at Woodforest Bank and the other programming aimed at helping our families figure out the often overwhelming world of personal finance....
This month we continued our programming on Financial Fitness. We have been fortunate to have representatives from the Warminster branch of Woodforest National Bank visit Inter-Faith to help facilitate our education classes this month....