The Family Promise Food Pantry is open 4 days a week to provide nutritious food, household supplies, and personal care items to low-income residents of Montgomery County. The pantry is located at 2801 Woodland Road in Roslyn on the campus of Salem Baptist Church. Visit our Contact page to see a map.
Regular hours are listed below. Inclement weather can affect operating hours. Visit our Facebook or Instagram for updates.
For information about getting food, organizing a food drive, scheduling a large delivery, or volunteering with the pantry, please email or call 267.318.0607.
Your generosity has kept many of our shelves overflowing, but we do need some specific items. We would be very grateful for donations from the list below:
Please, no large bulk food items (no cereal, oatmeal, snacks, juice, cereal bars etc.)
*As a reminder, please avoid donating hotel toiletries, opened, or used feminine products, and diapers. We want to ensure that all donations are in good condition and suitable for distribution.
Food Pantry Location
2801 Woodland Road, Roslyn
(on the campus of Salem Baptist Church)
Food Distribution Hours
Monday 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday
10 am to 1 pm
Donation Drop Off Hours
Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday
10 am to 1 pm