05 Sep September at the food cupboard
We don’t say “Help! Our shelves are empty” if they’re not. But now is one of those times. Can you help? Here’s what we need!
-Pasta sauce
-Canned pasta
-Cooking oil
-Cereal (no Cheerios please)
-Canned meats like salmon and stews
-Corn bread and muffin mix
-Cake and brownie mix
-Potato flakes
You can use our wish list to have items delivered directly to Inter-Faith. We appreciate every donation, and so do the kids and families who benefit.
Where and when to donate:
1250 Easton Road, Roslyn
(brick building behind Living Word Lutheran Church)
267-318-0607; foodcupboard@fpmontco.org
Mon. to Fri. 10 am to 1 pm and Sat. 9 am to noon
Please bring items within their expiration dates and unopened, unless packaged individually.
Follow the Cupboard on Instagram at #interfaithfoodcupboard!