“Passing the baton” at our food cupboard

It’s the end of an era: last month, manager Rebecca Kelly stepped down from her role as food cupboard manager. Beck has diligently and compassionately served the cupboard for the past two decades. During her tenure, the program became stronger, more flexible to address participants’ needs, and larger so that we could more effectively address food insecurity in our community. We’re so glad to report that Beck will still be involved, just in a different capacity, advocating and speaking to the public about the issue of hunger and ways to help at the cupboard.

The interim cupboard manager is Deborah Carver, who was previously office manager at Hope Gardens. You may have head Debbie’s friendly and helpful voice if you have called the Inter-Faith office in Ambler. She has served as our office manager for the past two years and has assisted the food cupboard with data entry and other tasks.

Deborah would love to meet you when you stop by with your donations! This month we are low on:

Canned beans (kidney, black, pinto, garbanzo)
Hearty canned soups (Progresso or Chunky types)
Pasta sauce
Canned meats, like canned chicken, salmon, Dinty Moore stew, corned beef hash (but no tuna)
Canned pasta
Meal kits, like Hamburger Helper
Cooking oil
2 lb packages of white and brown rice
Salad dressings
Ketchup and BBQ sauce (but no mustard)
Dishwashing liquid
Laundry detergent

Where and when to donate:
1250 Easton Road, Roslyn
(brick building behind Living Word Lutheran Church)
267-318-0607; foodcupboard@fpmontco.org
Mon. to Fri. 10 am to 1 pm and Sat. 9 am to noon

Please bring items within their expiration dates and unopened, unless packaged individually.

Follow the food cupboard on social media:
Instagram at @interfaithfoodcupboard
Facebook @Inter-Faith-Food-Cupboard-118883421466896/