18 Sep New hours at the cupboard
We are excited to announce that, for the first time, the Inter-Faith Food Cupboard in Roslyn will be open during the evening! Starting Monday, September 14, the cupboard is open Monday evenings from 5:30 to 7 pm for food distribution (no donations please). Thank you to the volunteers who will be staffing the cupboard during the evening to accommodate clients who cannot get to the cupboard during the day!
The cupboard is also open for food distribution on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 11 am to 1 pm. Donations are accepted on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 10 am to 1 pm. Please call ahead to confirm daily hours, which can be affected by inclement weather.
If you are able to make a donation this month, here’s what we are getting low on:
– Jelly (but not peanut butter)
– Pasta sauce and pasta
– Canned tomatoes (diced, whole, paste, puree)
– Canned vegetables, any kind
– Canned chili, corned beef
– Canned beans, baked beans
– Canned soup or soup bowls (hearty and chunky styles only)
– Oatmeal bowls or microwave packets
– Microwaveable quick lunch meals
– Snacks for school kids (protein bars, granola bars, dried fruit packets, nut packets, goldfish packets, etc.)
– Baking mixes (muffins, quick breads, etc.)
– Starchy side dish mixes (potato, rice, grain, noodle types)
– Common condiments (mild/med salsa, salad dressings, mayo, BBQ sauce, etc.)
– Instant coffee, individually wrapped tea bags
Where to donate:
1250 Easton Road, Roslyn
(brick building behind Living Word Lutheran Church)
267-318-0607; foodcupboard@fpmontco.org
Please bring items within their expiration dates and unopened, unless packaged individually.
Follow the food cupboard on social media:
Instagram at @interfaithfoodcupboard
Facebook @Inter-Faith-Food-Cupboard-118883421466896/