17 Jun Food Cupboard Needs for June
We are so grateful for our community support. We have been able to serve hundreds of families because of you! And we thank you in advance for your continuous generosity. Here is a list of items that we could use:
Coffee (1 pound can)
Apple sauce
Sweet and salty snacks (cookies, snack crackers, nut or trail mix, etc.)
Hamburger helper or taco kits
Baking mixes
Paper towels
Toilet paper
Baby wipes
Body wash
Laundry detergent
If you would like to run a drive for the Food Cupboard, please contact Rachael at rmcneill@fpmontco.org.
Thank you! We appreciate you!
The Cupboard is located at 1250 Easton Road, Roslyn (brick building behind Living Word Lutheran Church).
Donations are accepted on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 10 am to 1 pm.
Food distribution occurs on Mondays from 5:30 to 7 pm and Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 11 am to 1 pm.
Call ahead to confirm daily hours, which can be affected by inclement weather.
Contact the Cupboard at 267-318-0607 or food@fpmontco.org.
Donate to the Cupboard at fpmontco.org or by sending a check payable to Inter-Faith Housing Alliance to 31 S. Spring Garden St., Ambler, PA 19002.
Follow the Cupboard on Instagram @interfaithfoodcupboard and on Facebook @Inter-Faith-Food-Cupboard-118883421466896/.