29 Jun Two Donations We Just Have to Share
We have received so many thoughtful and generous gifts in the past year—too many to include here in the newsletter. But two came in last month that stood out.
The fourth graders in Sandra Swanger’s class at Shady Grove Elementary couldn’t stop by the office with their donation of blankets this year, so they sent the next best thing: a wall of pictures (top photo), showing each child holding his or her encouraging note to a family in our housing programs. Here’s an excerpt: “We will never know what you’re going through, but we want you to know that you matter to us and many others. We want you to know people care. And most important…WE BELIEVE IN YOU!”
And the preschoolers and kindergartners at Gwynedd Friends School held a huge collection of personal care and household items—bags and bags worth!—dropped off by one of the preschoolers and her mom, shown in the bottom photo.
Thank you to the schools and teachers that are promoting kindness to those in need, and to the kids and their families who have responded so generously!