15 Jun School’s Out and It’s Time for Summer Fun
Posted at 11:00h
in Donate
It’s also time to make sure that children are getting the food they need, now that they are not receiving meals at school. We’re kicking off our summer feeding program by creating snack packs for the children in our housing programs and at the Food Pantry. We’re looking for donations of healthy snacks (individually wrapped) like granola bars, goldfish and other crackers, fruit snacks, pretzels, and 100% juice boxes/pouches. If you’re at Costco or Sam’s Club, we’d be very grateful if you picked up a pack of snacks for us!
Donations can be dropped off at Hope Gardens (31 S. Spring Garden St. in Ambler) during business hours. If you have any questions, please contact Kyla (kyla@fpmontco.org or 267-468-5350). Thank you!