26 Oct Putting the “Giving” Into Thanksgiving
Each year, the Family Promise Food Pantry provides about 200 households experiencing food insecurity with everything they need for a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. Want to help? It’s easy! Just fill a brown paper bag or reusable bag with the following items:
Boxed mashed potatoes
Macaroni and cheese
Broth (like chicken)
Canned vegetables
Canned fruit
A baking item (like cake mix)
Cranberry sauce
Jam (like grape)
Brown sugar
A can of meat
Condiments (like ketchup)
A small jar of spice (like cinnamon or nutmeg)
And a $20 gift card to Giant (with activation receipt)
(We’re proud to be a part of the Healthy Pantry Initiative and we’d love to include some low-sodium or sugar-free items in our Thanksgiving bundles this year, if you should come across them at the market.)
Please drop the bags off no later than November 16. The drop off location is 2801 Woodland Road, Roslyn (look for our bright blue awning). Donation times are Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, 10 am-1 pm. If you have any questions, please email food@fpmontco.org or call 267.318.0607.
We are very grateful for your help in making Thanksgiving special for the families we serve!