09 Oct Meet Linda
“My daughter Emily was 6 months old when her father left. I couldn’t afford childcare, so I had to cut my hours at work drastically. We were barely surviving. Before Emily turned one, we had lost our home. That’s when we found Inter-Faith Housing Alliance.
Inter-Faith’s program didn’t feel like a homeless shelter. The volunteers I met were beyond incredible — they helped me buy gas and cheered with me when Emily took her first steps. I’ll never forget the amazing gifts and warm winter coats we received through the Holiday Giving Program.
While I was at Inter-Faith, I started college. Now I’m an IT analyst. I’m also a Girl Scout troop leader teaching young girls how to give back. I hope to change lives — the way my life was changed by Inter-Faith.
I still own the coat that I received that first Christmas. I still wear it every winter. And every time I put it on, I remember the love and support I found at Inter-Faith.”
As a supporter of Inter-Faith Housing Alliance, you probably know that families are homeless right here in our backyard — despite all the resources available in Montgomery County. You also know that Inter-Faith has been here for the past 30 years, partnering with local religious congregations to help set these families on the path to self-sufficiency.
Now we’re turning to you to help us, as we face the prospect of losing federal funding, which makes up about 10% of our budget. If 333 of our donors committed to a $10 monthly donation, we could make up this shortfall…and we hope to reach this goal by November.
Your donation of $10 a month for one year — only 33 cents a day — provides an entire month of emergency shelter for a family like Linda’s…not just a safe place to sleep, but also the support they need to make sure they are never homeless again. Can you help?