23 Nov Thanks and giving: the two are intertwined here at Inter-Faith
…a message from Executive Director Marsha Eichelberger
Thanks and giving: the two are intertwined here at Inter-Faith. Especially this time of year, many people first come to volunteer or support us in gratitude for all their many blessings, and continue as they realize how rewarding giving back can be. I think that’s why Thanksgiving is such a wonderful holiday: it’s not about what you get, or even what you give, but instead it’s about appreciating, spending time and breaking bread with those we love.
The families in our program are no different. They will be sitting around their tables on Thursday, lovingly encouraging children to just try one green bean and passing the potatoes. They’ll help Grandma select a piece of dark meat and shake their heads at the first person to spill the gravy. They’ll be sitting in their warm apartment home and thinking of last year- or last month- when they were unsure where their children would be sleeping by now. They’ll be making plans for a future that includes college, home ownership, and above all, stability and safety.
Without exception, as our families gather in thanksgiving with their loved ones, they will be thinking of you. It’s thanks to your generosity that their present and future are so much brighter and full of hope than their past. It’s because of you that this year they have so much more to be thankful for.
All of us here at Inter-Faith know how blessed we are to work with such wonderful people, from the families we serve to the volunteers and donors who make it all possible. This week we will all be bowing our heads in humble gratitude for you.
Thank you.
Executive Director Marsha Eichelberger