15 Oct 24 hours of giving on October 25—will you join us?
In the United States, 1 in 19 children experiences homelessness before reaching age 6. These children live in communities across the country, where their neighbors are unaware that family homelessness is happening in their backyard. The impact of homelessness for children extends far beyond a lack of housing: they are eight times more likely to repeat a grade, three times more likely to be placed in special education programs, and seven times more likely to commit suicide.
This October 25th, we are asking for your help as we work to make this crisis more visible in our communities.
On October 25, Inter-Faith Housing Alliance is taking part in Family Promise Giving Day, a 24-hour day of giving to help families in Montgomery County that are experiencing homelessness. The event is sponsored by Family Promise, a national organization of shelters like Inter-Faith’s—shelters that partner with houses of worship to provide emergency housing and support to families in crisis.
We’re hoping to raise $1,500 during this 24-hour period. Every dollar you donate will go directly to supporting Inter-Faith’s programs that assist our neighbors experiencing homelessness.
You’ll hear more from us as the date gets closer!