02 May Wise Words From a Family Promise Resident
We’ve got a poet in the Interfaith Hospitality Network, our emergency shelter. She says that writing helps her overcome her stress and anxiety—and she hopes that her poetry can inspire others. We just love the poem that she shared with us last month, and we think you will too. Thank you, A, for sharing!
Sometimes we see ourselves as failing.
When in reality we are just learning.
You have to learn to hold on and be strong.
Think positive and bring it on.
Show the world how strong you are.
Be the light of a shooting star.
Don’t let anything bring you down.
Tell yourself you’re not lost but you are found.
Tell yourself you’re strong and fierce.
No one can touch you or come near.
Be that strong person you were meant to be.
Through your eyes and God’s eyes you will see.
Be strong and never stop being great.
Open your beautiful eyes and have faith.
Be strong my love, you’re so true.
Remember no one is strong and made like you.