11 Oct Welcoming a New Congregation to the Interfaith Hospitality Network
Many thanks to the folks at Lansdale United Methodist Church for opening their hearts and church building to the families in our emergency shelter! Lansdale UMC will be hosting for the first time later this year. Luckily, they’ll have plenty of support from some of our experienced “buddy” congregations, including Keystone Fellowship, Or Hadash, and St. Thomas’ Church, Whitemarsh. Volunteers from “buddies” provide a prepared evening meal, drive our van to transport the families to and from our Day Center, and offer other support during an assigned week.
If you’d like to get your congregation involved with our IHN as either a host or a buddy, please give Sue Zomberg, our Community Engagement Manager, a call at 215.606.3421 or email sue@fpmontco.org.