Congregation Spotlight: Upper Dublin Lutheran Church

First and foremost, Upper Dublin Lutheran Church seeks to “become faithful servants glorifying God, by leading people to Jesus, by ministering to our community and world with good works, and by empowering disciples for Christ” and they go about this in some wonderful and surprising ways. First of all, UDLC offers a variety Sunday services from informal outdoor worship to a traditional liturgy familiar to Roman Catholics, Episcopalians and Lutherans alike. They also place a high value on service, assisting so many local organizations for our homeless and needy neighbors they cannot possibly all be listed here. And, of course, they are wonderful supporters of Inter-Faith during their month as hosts and beyond.

All of these efforts would more than fulfill their mission and vision, but this congregation also likes to think outside the box. In addition to the worship and service above, they have a thriving program happening outside the church walls at the intersection of life and faith. From their website: “We meet in three ways: monthly theology pub nights we call ‘God on Tap’, Coffee and Conversation at a local coffee shop, and occasionally for Beer and Hymns—which is just like it sounds: good music, good drink, and good times. We take our motto from good ol’ Martin Luther, who once said, ‘God is at work even when we are drinking beer’ (or your favorite beverage).”

For more information on this uniquely welcoming and dynamic congregation, visit their website at