08 Dec Creative Ways to Support Our Families
Donate your car!
Ready to get rid of that older car, but don’t want to deal with the hassle of selling it on Craigslist? Why not donate it to Family Promise Montco! We’ve just partnered with 1-877-Charity-Cars to accept car donations. The process is simple: you fill out a form on their website, they will arrange a free tow, you’ll receive a tax receipt, and we will get 100% of the proceeds! Visit 1-877-Charity-Cars to learn more.
Donate cryptocurrency!
We now accept crypto. Visit fpmontco.org to learn about the tax advantages of donating crypto and make your gift today.
Use AmazonSmile this holiday season!
If you’re searching for that perfect Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanza gift, there’s a way to benefit Family Promise Montco…at no cost to you! AmazonSmile is an Amazon-operated website that lets you enjoy the same wide selection and low prices you’d find on Amazon.com—but when you shop at our AmazonSmile link, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to Family Promise. Get started now at smile.amazon.com.