17 Oct October: A note from our Executive Director
You’ve probably been hearing a lot about the 2020 Census in the news over the past few months. You may not know how important the Census is to organizations like Inter-Faith Housing Alliance.
Every 10 years, the Census is done to learn about the characteristics of people who live in the United States. It’s how we are able to know things like the local poverty rate, changes in economic inequality, housing conditions in neighborhoods, the median household income, and much more.
You probably didn’t know that Pennsylvania was the second most undercounted state in the 2010 Census. Or that the Ambler area has been historically undercounted. This means that programs like Inter-Faith may have access to less than our fair share of resources to address the needs in our community. When the count is not accurate, communities like ours get less funding for housing, education, community facilities, and other important programs. And we know that the people we serve every day have real needs that require access to these resources.
We’re teaming up with local community groups and the MontCo Complete Count Committee to make sure the Ambler area is fully represented in the 2020 Census. Partners include MontCo SAAC, Mattie Dixon Community Cupboard, the Wissahickon Public Library and our local faith community.
So when it’s your turn to fill out that 2020 Census form, remember that you’re not just providing information to our government—you’re also helping local community groups address community needs. You can help us get an accurate count by telling your friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues how important the 2020 Census is to our community. We appreciate your support!