01 Nov Holiday Program
Every December, we offer a holiday program for families in our housing programs. Generous sponsors from the community—individuals, businesses, clubs, religious groups, scout troops, and others—partner with us to provide gifts for our families, who are working hard to make ends meet and really appreciate a helping hand at the holidays.
We’re signing up sponsors for this year’s program now! Since our families have shared positive feedback about receiving gift cards, we are requesting gift cards only once again this year. Gift cards allow parents autonomy and opportunity to shop as they choose—and the joy of seeing their children open the gifts that they were able to pick out.
Family sponsors will select a family’s “wish list” of gift cards in early November; cards can be shipped directly to our office or dropped off anytime before Wednesday, December 7.
We are also looking for some general sponsors, to donate supplies like bedding and household items to support our families and properties all year round. General sponsors will receive links to our gift registries.
If you’d like to participate as a family or general sponsor, please sign up here. If you have any questions, please contact Kyla Turbett at 267.468.5350.
Thanks for making a PROMISE to our children and families this holiday season!