08 Feb A Look Back at 2021, With Gratitude
We put together a year-end video update for you! Thank you to all of the volunteers and donors who came together to support our housing programs and the Food Pantry. We appreciate you!
Special thanks go to the congregations of the Interfaith Hospitality Network, our emergency shelter. Once again this year, we had to adapt to constantly changing pandemic conditions—and once again, you were with us every step of the way, to ensure that families were supported as they worked toward finding a permanent home. As we connect with other Family Promise affiliates throughout the country, we realize we are blessed. We’re one of only a few Network programs in the U.S. that was able to get back into congregations and continue running in a fairly recognizable state!
In 2021 we had eight returning hosts and one new host in the Network—nine congregations that opened their buildings, supplied volunteers, and came up with creative ways to keep running safely. A total of 23 congregations provided support for basic needs like meals, rides, food, overnight accommodations, bedding, and program support.
Ambler Church of the Brethren
Bethlehem Baptist Church
First Presbyterian Church of Ambler
Grace Baptist Church of Blue Bell
Gwynedd Friends Meeting
Jarrettown United Methodist Church
St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
St. Thomas’ Church, Whitemarsh
Trinity Lutheran Church
Our program could not run without the support of our buddy congregations:
Ambler Mennonite Church
Citylight Church
Congregation Beth Or
First Baptist Church, Lansdale
Keystone Fellowship Church
Or Hadash
Sanctuary United Methodist Church
St. Anthony of Padua
St. Paul’s United Church of Christ
St. Rose of Lima
Supplee Presbyterian Church
Trinity Episcopal Church
Upper Dublin Lutheran Church
Zion Baptist Church
With nine out of twelve months covered, we’re still recruiting to find new hosts (and turn support congregations into hosts). Parsonages, educational wings, and other safe spaces could be turned into temporary housing for three families with children. Please contact Sue Zomberg, our Community Resource Manager, at 215.606.3421 or sue@fpmontco.org to get your congregation involved.